I plead guilty to gross negligence of a blog. No contest! But, it's not like I've been slacking. Here are a few of the things I've been doing recently instead of blogging...
- Teaching. 160 minutes worth of lecturing a week doesn't seem like much, until you include the hour of student emails per damn day, reading and researching, the hours of prepping my lectures and Power Point presentations, the office hours, and the afternoon of exhaustion the lecturing inspires, etc.
- Marking. This deserves a bullet of its own. 75 students; a ton of assignments. So, so much marking. *shudders*
- Cooking. Why do children require 3-5 meals a day? Who do I write to appeal that?
- Cleaning & Laundry. Same as above, but "Why do children make instant pigsties wherever they are, always?"
- Birthday prep! Yes, my three year old is about to become a four year old! Excitement is already in the air.
- Sleeping. I know, I know. Selfish. But, I have had a taste of semi-adequate sleep, and I am addicted to it now.
- Promo. I was metaphorical-balls to the proverbial-walls trying to sell the Valentine's Day book, often by writing blog posts for other peoples' blogs. If it's any comfort to you, blog, it still didn't sell, so I've learned my lesson.
- Writing. Yes, I do do this occasionally. (Soon, this will be doubled with editing.)
- Making coffee. Often. A lot.
- Mothering. General story reading, boo-boo kissing, cuddles, trips to the park, bathing, playing cars, watching cartoons, dressing dollies, making play-dough thingamabobs, etc. And, no, I'm not willing to trim that time. Soon he'll be a teenager, and I will have to bribe him to even say hello, so I am making hay while the sun shines.
- Cat mothering. Ralph the cat - adorable, and a lot more work than I remembered around the time I foolishly thought, "Hey, maybe I'll get myself a cat for my birthday."
- Basic administrative maintenance. I hate the smell of tax returns in the morning, and don't even ask me about student loan paperwork.
- Wasting time. Yes, I admit it, okay? There have been spare moments where I could have blogged, but I was commenting on someone's cat pic on FB, instead. I've been reading forums, too. Sometimes, I even (*gasp*) read for pleasure! So, sue me. Dammit, it was relaxing. Did you see the rest of this list? I think I deserve it.
So, there's a glimpse into my world. Welcome to it, if you're still awake.
Cat mothering! Hahaha!
Yes, the cat mothering, that should also be listed as #14 with a comment about teasing the husband...
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