How did you find the experience of seeking a publisher?
Finding a publisher is not actually the hard part, finding the right publisher for me was. You really must stretch out and find the right fit. Somewhere that feels like home. I think I have done that with Rebel Ink and Silver Publishing, not to disrespect my other publishers. I just believe that the author and publisher must have the same ideas and goals for the work.
What inspired you to write the current release?
I tend to find inspiration in everyday events or even the overheard conversation at the super market. My current releases are not much different. However, the Salvation has a lot of inspiration from my co-writers. It was a fun piece that I think readers will enjoy.
What are your current projects?
I am gearing up for a major release with Rebel Ink for the anthology..Force Recon: Beacon Bayou.. It is a story written unlike anything folks have seen before and I cannot wait for the readers to get a chance to enjoy it as much as each of us did!
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Stretch you landscape and dare to go outside your comfort zone. You just might find something you truly enjoy as I did with writing Ménage stories.
How important is the support and friendship of other writers?
Major. But only if it's healthy support. You should not have a writing relationship that makes you feel tied exclusively to that individual. We are not in high school so I can honestly have more than one friend. It should be based on support of your choices and truly honest. If I ask them to read over something, I expect them to tell me if it sucks. It should also be DRAMA FREE!!
Tell us a factoid about yourself that we don't know.
I love tattoos.
Jeanne Oiler is an author of paranormal romance, and has worked in other subgenres of romance, as well, and is currently published with Rebel Ink Press and Silver Publishing. For more info, please visit her website, or her blog. Yesterday, she celebrated the release of her newest work, Kinship Trinity.
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