I find now, likely due to the fact that men are almost constantly in hats (ball caps are awful, men, please stop) these days, I have trouble picturing realistic male haircuts in my mind. I can write them okay, since they come from my imagination, but I have difficulty guessing what haircuts which guy will have.
Instead, if someone gives me a general description of a guy, I simply supply a "type" hairdo, and that is what he's stuck with. I have even pin-pointed the general trends, plotting where film and TV have supplied data not offered by my eyes, based on other descriptors I have been given about the guy. Some examples:
1. "Blond" - He has the Luke Skywalker in my head.

2. "Dark haired" - He is suddenly sporting the Erik Estrada.

3. "Republican" - Nothing short of the Johnny Unitas will do.

4. "Democrat" - He gets his hair done at the same place as George Harrison.

5. "Trendy boy" - He is inevitably some variation on Meg Ryan.

6. "Square" - He is Stephen Harper.

This is not right. Will I have to go to cosmetology school just to solve this issue, or shall I just grow accustomed to, and accept, these Starsky and Hutch wigs of my imagination born from the crassest of profiling?
Or maybe I just need more sleep...
1 comment:
Hahaha, that is so true!
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