My name is Lenore Elliott and I write Paranormal Romance. I've written ten so far, and you'd think that maybe you would've heard of me, right? I'm still unknown, but I feel once these stories get around?
I write hot and mostly explicit but that's just the topping to a well made dish. Here's my recipe:
… A hot alpha guy, a strong kick-A girl. A twist of the paranormal or a full-blown shot if it. Whip in Hot steaming sex. A cupful of tense conflict, more hot erotic fun with three kinds of climax: (the story kind and two more heaping spoonfuls of the sexual kind.) Dashes of humor, smidgens of pain, some slivers of sensual delight. Blend slowly and spread on the layers of suspense thickly. Bake at high temperatures to make the reader squirm in their seat. Top it off with the guy and girl in the altogether, who along with the reader? End up gasping and laughing.
The stories usually start out contemporary and then they take a paranormal turn. I have the Soul Trilogy and The Beast Series out right now. Find them at Lranore's link below. I do have a release for sometime this Month. Nowhere, Arizona: The Sunset Warrior from Knight Romance Publishing and it's to be the premier book of their Nocturnal Seduction Line. The book was chosen for that because the whole story is seduction from start to finish. Here is a PG excerpt:
“Ahh!” Cactus needles covered her upper thigh. “Oh no,”Madeline whispered while she stared at her leg.
“Never fails. Every time some tourist comes here, they land in the Cholas.” Devon came over to the couch.“Okay, I have the water started and I have the hemo’s from the first aid kit.” He grasped the edge of her sun dress.
Madeline scooted back. “I don’t even know you!” she exclaimed, “You are lifting my dress and I don’t even know your name!”
“Oh yeah.” He set back on his heels and held his hand out to her. “Well, my name is Devon.” Grasping her hand and releasing it, he lifted her dress.
“Wait the f*&^ up!”
“You know my name now and if you wait any longer with this many needles in your skin? It will cause a delirium of sorts.” His tone fell low and serious while he stared at her face.
“Oh,” she released a breath, “Okay, but,”
“Do you want them to stay there?”
Madeline shook her head.
“Wait for a minute, okay?” Devon got up again.
“I'm not going anywhere, apparently.”
He went into the small kitchen, opening the cabinets and Madeline could hear clinking and other noises. His face appeared above her. “Here, drink this.” Taking the glass, she drew it to her nose. “It’s whiskey!”
“Yes, and you are gonna need it.”
She pursed her lips. “But I don’t drink.”
“Well, now is the definite time to start. You're gonna be in pain once I start to remove these needles.”
At the mention of the cactus, she winced and felt all the prickly painful jabs in her thigh. “Drink the entire glass straight down.” Devon sat closer to her and held the glass to her lips.
“Now, another one,” he urged.
“No!” Madeline protested as he handed her the refilled glass, she sighed and gulped it down. “Eww!”
“Yeah, it’s not the best but,”Devon fumbled around with something on the floor. “Okay now.” Placing a small table next to the couch, he set a lamp on it and knelt close to her leg, “You've got to hold perfectly still, you hear? I mean it and it’s gonna hurt, but if you move?”
Madeline breathed out through her nose and nodded, Devon leaned over her and she could feel his warm hand grasp her thigh. “Oh,” she breathed the word out with a sigh.
“I haven’t even started yet,” he whispered.
She shivered at the sound of his voice. “Sorry.” The little pricks pinged on her skin. “Actually, I don’t feel a thing!”
Devon smiled and studied her thigh. “Yeah, the wretched whiskey does that.” He pulled another piece out.
Curious, she moved her head to see him better.
“Hold still!”
“Oh yeah, sorry.” His face came into focus in the light of the lamp. Can a man be beautiful? Devon possessed a great profile with a strong jaw line, high cheekbones his face tan and smooth. Is he Indian? Madeline did not feel anything while lost in wondering about him. “Where did you come from?” she asked.
He didn't look up. “The mountain.”
“Oh, you were born around here?”
He gave a slight nod
She glanced lower to look at the rest of him. Long legs molded into his jeans a nice wide chest existed under his tee-shirt, which encased strong muscled arms with the capacity to either embrace you or tear you apart. I choose embrace. Madeline smiled.
Devon lifted his head. “There, I think I got it all.”
Staring at him, she giggled. “Yeah, you’ve got it all, that’s for sure.”
His gaze swung to hers.
“You are the finest piece of man, I've ever seen!” Madeline let out a full-blown laugh.
“Oh yeah?”He sat back on his heels.
“I’ll be back, okay?”
Madeline stopped giggling. “Where are you going?” Her voice turned serious.
“Gotta make a poultice.”
Her brow wrinkled. “What?”
The trailer door slammed she let out a huge breath and shifted her leg. “Oh, I felt that!” He just up and left? The room spun. Oh man, I'm drunk! She laughed. I actually told him what a fine piece he was! Her laughter grew loud.
“Having a good time are we?” Devon appeared over her again.
“Yeah, I suppose I am.” Stifling a giggle, she felt his hand on her thigh again.
“Man, you have wonderful hands.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he laid the green mixture over her thigh and placed the warm wet cloth over it. “Now there should be no swelling.”
Madeline released a huge shaky breath. “No, there should be lots of swelling.”
“You're drunk, Miss Madeline Sayers.”
At the title, her eyes widened. “How did you know my name?”
Devon shrugged and moved the table back over. “News travels fast out in Nowhere Land.”
Stunned, her eyes grew wider.
“Your luggage tag.” He winked at her.
“Oh, yeah.”
“I’m gonna stay and watch over you for the night, okay?” Devon grasped her hand while her big blue eyes sparkled up at him. “You can watch over me forever, if you want,” Madeline responded.
“No, I really don’t have forever.” His deep voice faded away as he dropped her hand. “Do you need anything?”
Yeah, you and forever would be nice. “Um, no I’m okay.”
I already finished Nowhere Two: Gateway to the Sun and it will be out in 2011.
So, if you made through my interview and excerpt without nodding off? LOL I'm giving away a short and its a Western Paranormal! 'Lace and Leather' It's also a hot read. Just leave a comment here with Anne to get one. If you don't want to leave your emaill addy? Please do leave the comment and then write to me at: litemdbear777@yahoo.com
Thank you sweet Anne, for allowing me to visit!
LOVE IT! You never fail to amaze and delight Leanore! Happy sales, I can't wait to check out the new line of books for kNight, they chose right to start off with you!
Ooohhh this has to go on my wish list. It sounds really good and you got me from the beginning. :)
Love the recipe. Sounds like a lot of fun and the excerpt has me intrigued.
*sigh* I forgot to include my email: karin.theisen [at] gmail.com
Fabulous guest blog!
From the Shadows
Great excerpt, Wicked!! Thanks so much for sharing it!! I definitely DID NOT nod off! Also,
I received the free PDF of Lace and Leather and I really look forward to reading it!! THanks Again!! BEST REGARDS!
I am intrigued by "western paranormal." I'm not sure if I have read any of that yet.
Thanks for stopping by, Lenore!
Anne, it was fun and there will be more posters along tomorrow as well.
I only got you twenty hits today!
(yes, I was borrowing your Visi-meter)
Thank you for all that you've done here for me.
Hi Anne
Nice to meet you...
Hi Wicked
Nice to read something from you
As I already got the pdf I will just say "hi" this time.
Daniela. :)
Absolutely love your recipe Leanore - your writing makes the instructions sound as delightful as the results!
Best wishes my friend!
Saw your post on FB and after all that shameful begging ;-) I had to stop by and show support.
I loved the creativeness of your recipe and your excerpt was a huge tease, definitely pulled me in and I want to know what happens now! *pouts*
Best of success with all your books, Leanore!
Gracen Miller
Wicked Leanore -
I can't wait to read this story! (I've already gotten a copy of your 'Lace and Leather'!) Thanks.
Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}
I've had the priviledge of reading an advanced copy of this release to write a review. This book is hot, seductive and destined to be a best seller! Leanore when the reviews start pouring in, the book will fly off the shelves!
you had me at HELLO 2 years ago and I have never left your side...I love your writing
oops sorry..I came in as anonymous
its me Little Wicked aka grammy
Hi, *waves across the room*
Love ya woman!
Stacey TG
Nice Blog. Great stuff Leanore.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful excerpt, Leanore! Best wishes with all your writing and for sales as sizzling as your romances!
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