Well, I finished my NaNo 50k in good time. I'm at about 59k. The book still isn't quite finished, but I am taking a breather before I finish it off. And, of course, there will be editing to do. I hope it will be ready for submission in January!
I liked NaNo, overall. I didn't find it too difficult, as I usually write 1-2k a day, anyway. The only stress came in having to do it daily, even when I wasn't feeling it. But, I guess, therein also lies the good part about NaNo. No laziness!
Congrats to all the winners, and better luck next time to those who didn't quite make this year. But, even if you just thought about NaNo, you are still one step closer to having your novel, right?
Goodbye, NaNo - Maybe I will see you again next year!
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