Step into the spectacular world of Fairmont Island and experience a story of friendship and adventure. Shrinking Forward is a fantasy novel featuring two young girls who, in the exploration of a “haunted house”, are drawn into another world to embark on an adventure to save the Mystical Flyers from the captivity and enslavement to the evil wizard, Edgar.
Edgar has destroyed Fairmont Island, which was once ruled by the faerie Queen Marina. The elderly Edgar is obsessed with finding The Book of Faeyess, which explains how the Magical Flyers can live so long and he must find it soon because of his advancing age.
Against the highest odds fighting an evil wizard and snorgals creatures. In a magical place, where a single deed turns Samantha into a hero, and finds her true self, finding out amazing information that changes her life forever. With her heart set on finding her true self, she is about to discover something more amazing than she could have ever read or dreamed up.
“The book has a powerful message for young people” says Sigrid Macdonald, a book coach, manuscript evaluator, and author. “Smaller creatures have moved mountains. Size is no limitation! One’s own will decides what one is capable of doing! If you’re looking for suspense, action, a classic battle between good and evil, and a dab of romance, this delightful book will not disappoint.”
Nathalie M. Leblanc was born in Sarnia, Ontario. After graduating from Heritage College in Social Sciences majoring in Psychology, Nathalie decided to pursue her dream to write fantasy novels for readers aged nine to ninety-nine. Shrinking Forward is the first book in a trilogy entitled ‘The Magic Coat’.
As a parent of four adorably energetic children, she sees the value of teaching morals, self-confidence, and co-operation through the written word.
Nathalie said “I started writing when I was pregnant with my first child and now she is nearly nine years old. She has read my first novel Shrinking Forward. She was so excited to find out what happened next she bugged me for a week to read book two called Fading Away. After a week of bugging me she won! I love her excitement on her face every morning waking up and wanting to know what happens in the next chapter! After all, one of my main reasons for writing my novels was for my children.”
The book is beautifully illustrated by Lorinda Loucks, a traditional and digital artist specializing in illustration and concept art. Lorinda received a BFA in Studio Art from James Madison University and is actively pursuing work in the fields of illustration and concept design. Open to all varieties of art, she has participated in a variety of projects including: game design, book work, film projects and more. For more information about Lorinda, check out her website at www.lorindaloucks.com .
Free Poster Offer: In Chapter Eight, when the girls encounter Edgar, what was he carrying? The first 50 readers to send this correct answer this question will receive a poster of the cover, autographed by the author, Nathalie M. Leblanc. Send answer to contest@SassySunflowerBooks.com. Be sure in include name, address, phone number and where you purchased your copy of Shrinking Forward. Only one poster will be given per household.
Ages: 9 - 12
Author: Nathalie M. Leblanc
Illustrator: Lorinda Loucks
Publisher: Sassy Sunflower Books
ISBN: 978-0-9811504-5-1
Page Count: 240
Juvenile Fiction: $12.95 CDN -- $12.35 US
Website: www.NathalieMLeblanc.com
Ages: 9 - 12
Author: Nathalie M. Leblanc
Illustrator: Lorinda Loucks
Publisher: Sassy Sunflower Books
ISBN: 978-0-9811504-5-1
Page Count: 240
Juvenile Fiction: $12.95 CDN -- $12.35 US
Website: www.NathalieMLeblanc.com
Available on Amazon!
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