Today, we meet author LaVerne Thompson, who's currently promoting her book, Sea Bride, from Decadent Publishing!

Cori Daniels hated the water; she’d been on board the luxury ocean liner for two days and hadn’t left her cabin. But when she finally ventured on deck, she met a man who looked like a sea god and tempted her like no other.
Could he tempt her to follow him into the depths of the sea?
Hi, LaVerne! How did you get into writing?
I’ve been writing since I was a kid. I’d have these stories in my head about my day, a butterfly lol anything. Later after I learned to read if there was something about the story I didn’t like why then I’d just change the story in my head.
What's the earliest story you can remember writing?
The one I remember in the most detail was one I wrote when I was about 12. It was about this woman whose car got a flat tire and it was of course a dark and stormy night. She got out of the car to try to change the tire. Of course this was the age before cell phones. Anyway she opened up the trunk, found the spare tie and a tire iron and stood there staring at them. She had no clue what to do. Then suddenly a bright light appeared behind her. She turned around but of course at first she couldn’t see anything. Then lightning flashed and she saw a tall man get out of a car walking toward her. She grabbed the tire iron. But when he was standing in front of her she saw he was wearing a uniform of some sort. Turns out the car was a taxi and he was a taxi driver. Lol. In my senior year of highschool I was the only girl who took an auto mechanics class. Lol I learned to change a tire. Just in case.
When did you decide to make the move to "published"?
About ten years ago. I wrote a full-length novel about 100,000 words.
How did you find the experience of seeking a publisher?
Enlightening. I learned that I had no clue what I was doing. So I began to educate myself.
What did it feel like when the acceptance notice came?
Like floating on air.
What inspired you to write Sea Bride?
I’ve had this idea of a non-traditional mermaid/merman story on the back burner for awhile now. Where what we know or think we know about those who live under the sea was not quite accurate.
What books have most influenced your writing?
I need more pages but I’ll name just a few not in any particular order. Dragons of Pern and Sunrunner Series, fed my love of dragons, Wheel of Time series, for the complexity of a story, Honor’s Splendour, for what an alpha warrior should be, Strange Brew, for a love story between two different people, Dune for the intrigue and the beauty in storytelling, Pride and Prejudice, love can be soft, A Place To Call Home, for heart, Lord of the Rings, for adventure.
What are you reading now?
The Duke Is Mine by Eloisa James
What are your current projects?
I’m getting ready to self-publish a fantasy series, Dragon’s Heart- Story of the Brethren should be out Sept. 1, I might have something out in Manga form next year, I’m almost finished one dark urban fantasy, I’m also working on another romantic suspense under my pen name Ursula Sinclair. And I’m a partner in a video production company, Epic 3 Productions, with two very talented friends. I also write a storyline for RP World Group, a free read storytelling site.
Did you learn anything from writing Sea Bride, and what was it?
Just confirmed for me that I love creating new worlds and blending genres.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Keep writing. Then write some more. Join a critique group. Try a few. Expect your first work to be rejected at least once. Then afterward keep writing. Submit it some place else.
How important is the support and friendship of other writers?
It is invaluable. I have a small circle of writer friends that have helped me along the way and new ones that continue to encourage and support me. We encourage and support each other. We all share the good the bad and the ugly in the business and our lives.
How does your family feel about your writing career?
Depends on who needs what at the time.
Tell us something about yourself that we don't know.
I have rose tattoo my husband dared me to get.
Thanks for joining us, LaVerne! I'm always pleased to learn more about fellow-authors, especially fellow Decadent folks!
About the Author:
LaVerne Thompson is an award winning, best-selling, multi-published author, an avid reader and a writer of contemporary, fantasy, and sci/fi sensual romances. She also writes romantic suspense under the pen name Ursula Sinclair. She is currently working on several projects. She has a freshman in college and a senior in high school, so technically she has more time to write. Visit her website at http://lavernethompson.comto read excerpts of her books. She's recently discovered the world of interactive storytelling and can also be found online at as herself.
You can find her at:
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Hi Anne- Thank you for having me today.
You're very welcome, and thanks for coming. Good luck with the book!
Great interview LaVerne as always. Love the story with the lady and te tire iron. I was on the edge of my seat, just reading that little bit. LOL!
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