Kathleen Ann Gallagher, a new author for Decadent Publishing, stopped by to tell us about her new upcoming release, Echoes at Dawn.
What inspired you to write the current release?
I adore my characters and I hope my readers love them, too. Echoes At Dawn investigates the strange way our lives are connected. It also explores the power of a mother's love, since the heroine Madeline has an elderly mother who cannot rest, until she finds her daughter the perfect match. I got my inspiration for my story from an old photo. One day while cleaning out a closet, I came across a family portrait. It had two rows of people lined up, with the children sitting in front. I could not stop thinking about the two little girls wearing white dresses with big bows in their hair. I created Echoes At Dawn around the magic of twins from separate generations, who bond together to accomplish a final mission of love. You'll have to read my book to find out what happens and how their lives become intertwined.
How did you find the experience of seeking a publisher?
I found the experience of seeking a publishing challenging, and exciting. Although, I will admit, at times it made me discouraged. But, I did not let rejection stop me. It made me stronger and more determined. I would spend hours researching publishers to query. The submission process became a special part of my day. I looked forward to checking my inbox for responses. There were times when I changed my mind about who I wanted to represent my work. It surprised me to find that some publishers are not as selective as others. It is important to do your homework when submitting. I'm glad I did.
How did you feel when the acceptance letter came?
I jumped up and down like a maniac when I got my acceptance letter from Decadent Publishing. I had already researched the site, and I really wanted to join their group of talented authors. I had to read the offer over and over, before I could grasp the idea of actually getting a publisher. I called my family to announce the news, feeling like I was on top of the world. It made me so happy to finally have all of my hard work pay off.
What books are you reading now?
I'm currently reading a signed copy of Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven. He is one of my favorite authors and a good friend of mine recently went to one of his appearances and surprised me with the book. I recently finished Summer Iris, by M. Kate Quinn. It is a romantic suspense published by Wild Rose Press. Another book I've started is Lisa Dale's, It Happened One Night. I read Simple Wishes by her, and loved it.
Thank you for having me as your guest Anne. It was my pleasure and I had a blast.
Echoes At Dawn is coming soon. You can find me here.
Kathleen might be new to publishing, but has been writing since she was a teen, and also enjoys cooking and the theater. Along side an author, Kathleen is an emergency room nurse, a wife, a mom and a grandma - where on earth does she find the time!?!
You can follow her blog or meet her on Facebook, and find out more about Echoes at Dawn here.

I love the inspiration for your story. Old photos are always so thought provoking!
Great interview!
Echoes At Dawn has captured my attetnion. Thank you for telling me about it. Wishing you much success with it.
Kathleen, I love how an old photo gave you inspiration! I love looking at old family black and white photos...you the ones so old that your own parents have trouble remembering who the family members are. There is something so fantastical about them.
Isn't it amazing what can inspire the mind. Great post!!
Sounds like a wonderful, heartwarming book. I love old photos, too, but find I am printing out less and less. With my 10 year old, I had ooodles of pics, but with my 7 year old I don't. Drawbacks of the digital age I guess. I've vowed to print all of them out this summer, and mark on the back who everybody is. I want my kids to know.
Old photos rock. I only wish I'd sat down with my Grams before she got cancer so I would know who all those wonderful people are in the photos. On the other side of the family, my 3rd cousin un-earthed a huge box of photos her grandmother had and she is scanning and gifting my family with those containing images of our great grandfather, cousins, etc.
Kathleen, you have a beautiful smile. I also applaud you for being an ER nurse. Rarely an uneventful day there!
Decadent Publishing
Great inspiration story! And I can't imagine trying to do this job on top of being a nurse!
Ellen, Thanks for stopping by today. I like to imagine what's going on in the lives of the people in the photos.
Leanne, Thanks for the encouraging words.
Gracen, Thanks for stopping by. It's fun to glance through the old albums to find out more about your family history.
Sheila, So nice to of you to stop by. Thank you for your kind words.
JM, You're right the digital age has changed us. It's important for children to have a chance to learn about their life from the old photos. Now, they can look it up on snapfish. lol
Heather, I know what you mean. It's nice to be able to sit down with the senior members of the family. They have such great stories to tell. Thank you for stopping by, and your compliments were what I needed today.
Seleste, I really appreciate you stopping by today. I'm glad you liked my interview. Oh, and thanks for the mention of being a nurse. It was a rough day. WHEW!
You should post some of your old photos! I'd love to see what your inspiration looked like!
I love to see pictures of people I know online. You do have a beautiful smile! Thanks for letting us get to know you better.
Valerie, I may just do that. Thanks for visiting.
Kate, Blushing, only slighty. Thank you so much.
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