Here at Casa da Holly, we don't eat meat, but nor do I particularly care for Tofurky*, the cruelty-free turkey substitute that has gained so much popularity in recent years - this might be because I never cared for "real turkey" to begin with.
So, you may well ask, what do I serve up for Thanksgiving?
Today, the tot and I will be enjoying the following meal for one of my very favourite holidays:
- Succulent soy chicken breasts baked (covered) in lemon and garlic, and served with cranberry sauce.
- Mashed potatoes with skins, margarine and milk, with sea salt, black pepper and mushrooms.
- Vegetarian stuffing, with sesame sticks, TVP and onions added, and almond slivers crushed in.
- Steamed carrots, green beans and turnip.
- Raw apple slices with peanut butter on top (a particular favourite for the tot).
- Pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
- Sparkling nonalcoholic apple cider to add to the festive mood!
Yum, or what?
Happy holidays, one and all!
Note(*): Please be advised that there are a whole variety of Tofurky products, and I have not tried them all, so this is not a blanket anti-Tofurky statement. :)
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