So, what have I been doing?
First off, I'm now in draft four of my brand new full length contemporary romance, Textbook Romance, written originally for NaNo 2010. It's been through five betareaders, and I am busy preparing draft five, which will be the final draft before submitting it to a few choice companies. Sadly, this also involves a good deal of synopsis/cover letter composition, which is considerably less thrilling than fiction writing. Nevertheless, I feel okay about this one. Naturally, I will keep you posted.
Secondly, I am nearing completion on the rough draft of the Halloween installment in my five-story erotica series for Rebel Ink Press, You Never Know - a story about a no-nonsense man and a strange woman who claims she's a witch. So far, it's going well. All I can tell you for the moment is that it certainly starts out with a bang!
I already have the Thanksgiving installment in production. Charity is the story of a big city banker with a heart like an Excel spreadsheet who gets taught a thing or two about what really counts in life, by a farmer who sees more in her than her loan applications.
Finally, I have been brewing several more concoctions; a handful of short pieces that range from the unusual to the heartwarming. A dark-fantasy-erotic piece, in which an ex-boxer gets lured by the mob and an exotic dancer with a dangerous secret. An old fashioned romantic novella about the love of the land. And After Life, a paranormal romantic fantasy about a man trying to find redemption by helping his daughter mend her life from beyond the grave. I'm also cooking up a little romantic tale for next Valentines. And, let's not forget my NaNoWriMo 2011 entry - a paranormal-suspense blended with contemporary romance setting.
Now, coupled with my Real Life Day Job work, this is a lot. However, the ideas keep coming, and far be it from me to push them away. Blogging has sort of lost out in the competition for my time, I guess. Soon, however, I hope to have some guest appearances, some more "real posts," and some new trailers and other odds'n'ends. For now, take this update with an IOU.
So, here's to the rest of 2011, and forward-looking to a bright 2012, with, I hope, many more stories to come!
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